If you find yourself living with roommates, protect yourself and your belongings with your own renters insurance policy. Some insurance companies permit the inclusion of roommates on one policy. However, the best way to protect yourself is by having your own renters insurance policy. With your own policy, you can make sure you have the coverage you need for your belongings.
Renters Insurance Policies Were Made To Cover Family, Not Friends
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Car accidents can leave you feeling rattled, and that can easily lead to a mistake that could impact your claim. To make certain that your claim is processed not only quickly, but fairly and accurately, it's important to take a deep breath and remember these common mistakes before you step out of the car to talk to the other driver.
Admitting Fault. Fault is determined by insurance adjusters following a set of rules laid out to ensure an unbiased look at the accident.
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Do you own a dog or are thinking about getting one? Before you do, you may want to make sure that you are covered financially if something caused your dog to bite or do harm to someone else. While dogs can be a wonderful addition to a home, they come with the responsibility of preserving the health of others. Fortunately, there are some insurance options that can help you in the event your dog causes damage to someone.
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An independent insurance agent, as the name implies, is an independent businessman. He is not employed by any one particular insurance company but instead, acts as an independent agent for several such companies. He is paid on commission as an independent contractor.
The Advantages of Working With an Independent Insurance Agent
An independent agent has access to several different insurance companies and can sell you a policy from any one of them.
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