Do You Need Comprehensive Auto Insurance?

29 September 2016
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

If you're about to purchase an insurance plan, you might be wondering whether it's worth the extra money to purchase comprehensive auto insurance for your vehicle. Here are some questions to ask yourself so that you make the right decision. 

Are You in a Theft-Prone Area?

The first thing to do would be to research your metro and see if it appears in any top-lists for theft. The rates of theft can vary greatly by make and model as well as by city, so you'll need to ask around to see if it's wise to acquire theft insurance. 

What Kinds of Natural Disasters Are You Facing?

Natural disasters are another major selling point for comprehensive insurance. For instance, if you are in a flood-prone area and you don't have comprehensive coverage, you would be out of luck if your car is carried away in a flood. If hail hits you windshield and chips it, you may be looking at a costly repair or windshield replacement; if you have comprehensive auto insurance, this may be taken care of for you. 

Are You Planning On Selling the Car?

If you are planning on selling the car in the near future, investing in comprehensive coverage is a good idea. Even small dings can affect the overall value of your vehicle, and comprehensive insurance will ensure that you can afford to fix these before listing your vehicle. 

How Much Of An Emergency Fund Do You Have?

Your emergency cash stash is another factor to consider. If your car experiences some trouble, will you be able to fix it easily, or will you be stuck without a vehicle to drive? When your emergency savings are low, the few dollars per month for comprehensive insurance are more of a necessity. 

How Much Will it Cost?

Comprehensive insurance provides a lot of added protection, but it doesn't have to be a huge burden to add to your auto insurance plan. Some companies give you the option to specify what types of comprehensive coverage you want, whether it be to add windshield or theft protection (or to opt out of a specific coverage). Others calculate their costs by having you specify the deductible amount that you want on your plan. With a higher deductible, you can add comprehensive insurance pretty affordably. In short, there are ways to adjust your auto insurance to include this extra insurance coverage without breaking the bank. talk to you auto insurance provider, someone like The Blondin Agency Inc - Nationwide Insurance, to find out more information. 
